Why Water Well Owners Need to Understand the Concept of Static Water Level and Flow Rate

Healthy Water - Benefits of a Water WellToday, over 40 million people use water wells in the United States. Water wells rely on groundwater to ensure an uninterrupted supply of water. However, the water level beneath the ground is directly affected by several external factors, such as weather conditions and droughts. Harsh weather conditions can lead to water well issues and cause water well to dry. Therefore, to maintain a steady supply of quality water, it is essential to get water wells checked by an expert from time to time. To study the health of your water well, professionals consider two crucial metrics: Static water level and flow rate.

What Is Static Water Level?

The static water level is simply a measure of the health of your well. The water level in the aquifer under normal conditions is referred to as Static Water Level. Depending on the season and the weather conditions, the static water level keeps fluctuating throughout the year. For instance, after a long rainy season, the static level increases significantly. Similarly, after drought-like conditions, the static water level decreases considerably. Water wells go dry when the static level reaches below the pump of the well.

To maintain the health of your water level, it is essential to keep a check on the static water level. When the water level is low, homeowners should become cautious about using water. Water well users can check groundwater levels in their region on the U.S. Geological Survey website. Homeowners with private wells can hire a professional contractor to inspect the static levels and make recommendations regarding the best way to use water during a specific season.

What Is Flow Rate?

To maintain the health of their water wells, homeowners must be well-versed with two concepts: static water level and flow rate. We have already covered the static water level. The question that now arises is what flow rate? Flow rate is a metric that allows homeowners to understand how much water can a water well pump into their house and at what speed.

Several external factors affect the flow rate of any water well. The static water level is one of the important factors. Other factors include clogged pipes and drains and a wrongly positioned pump. Similarly, the flow rate can also be affected by sand and clay buildups as well as any boulders stuck in the pipe or drainage. These obstructions cause pressure on the pump, which adjusts by slowing the water pressure.

An average American household consisting of four people uses about 200 gallons of water. Of these 200 gallons, approximately 27-51 gallons of water are used by washing machines and dishwashers use 5-14 gallons of water for each load. So, how does one determine the correct flow rate for a household?

Determining the right flow rate is a tricky task that requires inputs from an expert. Therefore, it is a good idea to hire a professional to do the job. The water well professional will perform a thorough examination of your house and make a note of all the appliances and water fixtures. Usually, while calculating the ideal flow rate, water well professionals count each appliance and fixture as one. The total flow rate, in most cases, is equivalent to the total number of home appliances and fixtures. However, this method gives only an average and not an accurate figure for the recommended flow rate.

If you think your well’s flow rate is lower than what it should be, hire a professional to help you out.


Water wells have many advantages. Therefore, more and more homeowners are looking to install private water wells. However, the maintenance aspect of a water well cannot be compromised. If you have a private water well, always keep a tab on the steady water level in your area and your water well’s flow rate. This exercise will help you enhance the life of your water well.

For More Information on Static Water Level and Flow Rate

If you are in the Southeast Michigan area, give Ries Well Drilling a call to answer any questions you may have about Static Water and Flow Rate.  We can be reached at (586) 784-9516!

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