Prepare Now for Potential Water Supply Issues this Spring  

Prepare Now for Potential Water Supply Issues this Spring  Of all the things that spring brings to mind, tending to your water supply is likely at the very bottom of this list. Spring means getting your yard and garden area in shape. It means doing all those cleaning chores you’ve been putting off all winter. And it means getting ready for all sorts of outdoor fun and entertaining as you spruce up your outdoor living space.

But, before you dive into the enjoyable tasks that will bring you, even more, spring and summer joy, take some to assess and prepare your residential water well to preempt or correct any issues you may encounter.

It is reported that throughout the United States, there are around twelve million households that rely on private wells for their drinking water. If you are one of them, it’s in your best interest to understand the kind of water problems that may occur in the spring.

There are two very common types of water well problems that can arise in the springtime.

Agricultural runoff is a source of well water contamination that is linked to the change of seasons. If you’re in a climate that endures a great deal of precipitation, you are likely to be confronted with this problem. This occurs when irrigation water travels away from farm fields as the result of melting snow, irrigation or even rainfall. When it’s in motion, the runoff accumulates pollutants like herbicides, fertilizers, waste from livestock, and pesticides.

Then, the pollutants become deposits int rivers, lakes and private wells hat are I close proximity. This level of this runoff is directly linked to the level of precipitation in the area.

You can help avoid this by ensuring that your water well is placed on high ground. And, keep in mind that if your well is drilled in close proximity to a farm facility or a septic system, agricultural runoff and the complications it causes could befall your well.  

There are many solutions involving water treatments available to you to tackle this fight against your water supply becoming contaminated. These solutions can get rid of many types of chemicals and pollutants so you can be assured you have clean, safe water.

Salt has a downside. If you live in a seasonal climate and endure winter each year, you know all about salt. It is used to help keep the roads safe by melting ice and snow. However, salt dissolves in water and easily finds its way into lakes and streams. From there, this salt travels in groundwater and quite possibly, int your well water. This occurs as temperatures increase which happens every year as winter segues into spring. 

There are systems for installing that are known for their restorative properties when slat contamination has occurred. These systems use multiple filters so unwelcome contaminants won’t affect your well water. And, once again, high ground is the best location for a well so if yours is on low ground you may want to consider installing a new well in a better location on your property.

Give Ries Well Drilling Inc a call to answer any questions you may have about the water well drilling, maintaining your water well, or any other questions regarding well water!  We can be reached at (586) 784-9516!

We provide Water Well Drilling Services in the following Michigan Counties: