How To Solve The Problem Of Iron Water

How To Solve The Problem Of Iron WaterIron is one of the most common contaminants. Starting from muddy drinking water to orange streaks in bathtubs and toilets, iron leaves stains, foul tastes, and discoloration in its wake. To this, one of the most widely prevalent water issues faced by homeowners, there are several solutions you can try.

Water softeners are common among Shelby, MI homeowners who do not want to see stained sinks and pots as well as iron bacteria in their toilet tank. But high iron content in water is an unwelcome menace and an issue that water softeners cannot solve by themselves. In this article, we will tell you why water softeners cannot fight iron bacteria. We will also discuss the next best solution to overcome this problem.

Why Do Water Softeners Fail To Eliminate Iron From Iron Water?

Contrary to popular belief, a minuscule amount of bacteria can result in long-lasting stains on sinks and fixtures when the water dries. Water softeners can partially solve the problems created by iron water. The main reason for it failing to remove the iron is that water softeners are not meant to treat iron water. Only when the concentration of iron is below one part per million can water softeners eliminate iron bacteria. But in areas like Shelby, MI where iron content in water is on the higher side, water softeners fail to do their magic. In areas like these, water softeners can get rid of the hardness factor in the water by extracting some minerals.

Iron Water Treatment Options

Yellowish or red-colored water is an indication that iron is present in the water. A laboratory can suggest the amount of iron present. Knowing this, you can decide on the type of iron water treatment.

Generally, iron water contains two types of iron: ferric and water-soluble iron.

Ferric or red iron usually contributes a yellow or red color. Because this type of iron does not dissolve in water, it can be spotted with the naked eye.

Soluble iron, on the other hand, is not visible to naked eyes. You need to oxidize the water before you can remove the iron. To get soluble iron eliminated, you will need to install iron filters. In an iron filter, iron in water gets oxidized and transformed into the particulate matter that gets trapped within the filter.

How To Keep Iron Bacteria At Bay

Iron bacteria accumulates either at the top of the water tanks or towards the rear end. You will be able to easily spot them with your naked eyes. These bacteria not only make the tanks unclean but also pose uninvited health risks. They can also damage the water softener and the water pump. But with recent advancements, you can get rid of iron bacteria. The easiest way to do so is by fitting an ozone or chlorine generator into the tank. Chlorination disinfects the tank by destroying all the harmful bacteria and microorganisms. It also cleans up dissolved iron, hydrogen sulfide, and manganese.

Concluding Thoughts

You can make do with a water softener only up to a certain extent, but a professional water treatment system can help you get rid of the problem permanently. Contact our team of experts for more information and assistance regarding this.

Give Ries Well Drilling Inc a call to answer any questions you may have about well water drilling, well water maintenance, or anything well water-related.  We can be reached at (586) 784-9516!

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